The Department of International Relations and Mobility of TUKE announces a call for applications for students interested in Erasmus+ study stay in the summer semester of the academic year 2024/25. Applications can be submitted to the faculty coordinators until 12.03.2024.
Application procedure for Erasmus+ student mobility for study purposes:
Choosing the institution where the student wishes to undertake the student mobility – the student chooses a partner school from the list of valid partnership agreements of the faculty concerned and takes into account the areas listed for each school. You can consult the faculty ERASMUS+ coordinator when selecting a partner institution. The faculty coordinator should also be consulted about the available capacity at each partner school.
Completing the student application form for Erasmus+ student mobility for the purpose of study – application form in total with all attachments must be handed in to the Faculty Coordinator by the deadline.
After the successful selection of an enrolled student by his/her faculty, the student will be contacted by the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator regarding an online meeting for selected students, where he/she will receive instructions on how to proceed.
Information on the exact application procedure can be found HERE.
The necessary forms can be found HERE.