Courses – Faculty of Civil Engineering

Subject – English nameSubject – Slovak nameSubject codeDescription of the subject
Acoustics and LightingStavebná akustika a osvetlenie2507781The aim of the subject is to acquire comprehensive knowledge in the field of construction, urban planning, spatial acoustics, design and assessment of daylighting of buildings and oversight (insolation) of buildings. To acquire knowledge and apply it in practice in the design of constructions of perimeter walls, partitions and ceilings from the point of view of acoustics. Address the elimination of noise sources in the protected external space of the building and the protected internal space of the building according to the current requirements of standards and hygiene regulations.
From the point of view of lighting technology, the student can assess the internal space of the building, whether it meets the requirements of the standard for the duration of eclipse and the value of the daylight factor. Apply the solution of given situations by simulation methods.
Analysis of Buildings and Their DefectsDiagnostika porúch budov25000304Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge in the field of diagnostics of building constructions and the environment of buildings in relation to the action of physical, chemical and biological components. Apply knowledge creatively in the research of a current scientific problem resulting from the focus of the dissertation with an emphasis on environmental and economic aspects. Know how to implement a scientific experiment with subsequent evaluation using scientific methods and communicate it to the professional public. The graduate is able to formulate outputs with a benefit for the scientific and study field and also for construction practice.
Architectural and indoor engineering2507891On the base of knowledge from physics, chemistry and biology and their environment the advanced knowledge to understand the strategy of architectural design that meet the aesthetic, functional and technical requirements, while respecting the interaction of individual components of complex envirosystem of buildings are being handed over. Lectures are focused on the principle and practice of building and environment; interaction of architectural, structural and environmental making of buildings and their environment; physical, chemical and biological factors of buildings and their environment (temperature, humidity, light, acoustics, VOCs, odorous, particles, fibers, radon, oxidants, microorganisms, etc.) as well as the strategy of development and design ofhealthy and environmentally friendly buildingswhile respecting the sustainable building design.
Architectural design IIArchitektonické navrhovanie II25000388The aim of the subject is to acquire basic knowledge about harmony, composition, development of aesthetic and color sensibility and thinking. Master architectural laws, terminology, use of color in architecture when creating a working and living environment. To support creativity in architectural drawing, development of spatial thinking and vision. Be able to work in graphics programs (Corel, Photoshop…) and also in 2D and 3D programs (AutoCad, Allplan, ArchiCad, SketchUp…). Apply knowledge in the design of civic amenities of a lower character, architectural study of small civic amenities.
Architectural Design of Buildings IIArchitektonické navrhovanie II25000056The aim of the subject is to acquire basic knowledge about harmony, composition, development of aesthetic and color sensibility and thinking. Master architectural laws, terminology, use of color in architecture when creating a working and living environment. To support creativity in architectural drawing, development of spatial thinking and vision. Be able to work in graphics programs (Corel, Photoshop…) and also in 2D and 3D programs (AutoCad, Allplan, ArchiCad, SketchUp…). Apply knowledge in the design of civic amenities of a lower nature, architectural study of higher civic amenities
Bachelor WorkBakalárska práca25000045The aim of the subject is to deepen the skills for structural creation and the correct design of structures. Apply the knowledge from the completed subjects while respecting the principles of landscape and urban planning and the interaction between the building and the environment. To acquire skills for designing in the complex structural design of the assigned building project. Carry out drawing and designing in CAD and BIM programs and process the project documentation of the assigned building within the specified scope.
Submission of Bachelor thesis.
Building constructions IPozemné staviteľstvo I25000047To acquire knowledge in the field of constructions of earthworks according to the thematic units listed in the subject outline. To acquire basic information and skills from technical drawing, visualization, description and dimensioning of constructions and elements in technical documentation. After completing the subject, the student should acquire knowledge in the field of design principles of vertical load-bearing structures, openings in load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures and ways of displaying them in drawings of earthworks.
Building constructions IIPozemné staviteľstvo II2500211To acquire knowledge in the field of constructions of earthworks, basic information about the design of said structures and elements, as well as the method of their display, description and dimensioning in drawings of earthworks. To acquire and deepen knowledge from theoretical knowledge, principles and procedures in the design of structural and related material and technological creation of elements. Apply knowledge of the principles of construction of ceilings, suspended structures and structures for vertical transport. Practice the mentioned theoretical knowledge on individual tasks and apply it in independent construction practice.
Building constructions IIIPozemné staviteľstvo III25000043To introduce the student to the issue of substructure structures, monolithic and assembled structural systems of buildings and expansion joints, their conception and design. To acquire knowledge in the field of structural principles of substructure design, monolithic and assembled structural systems of buildings and expansion joints specified in the subject outline and to be able to apply these principles correctly when drawing up drawing documentation.
Building constructions IVPozemné staviteľstvo IV2500781The content of the course is to familiarize the students with the design of pitched and flat roof structures. The goal is to acquire knowledge in the field of solving the load-bearing structures of traditional and modern trusses, about designing flat roof structures, about the principles of creating roof coverings and their details. The aim of the exercises is to acquire practical skills by solving individual assignments.
Building economyEkonomika stavebníctva (EkSt)2505473The aim of the course is to understand the importance of the strategic importance of the economy in construction practice. Understanding the specifics of economic construction in the analysis, planning, setting goals and strategies. Explain the process of organizing, planning and construction management using economic methods, standardization and pay in the construction industry. Emphasize the importance of prices in the construction industry particularly in terms of activity in the construction market. Highlight the importance of cost as a basic component of prices, features and emphasize their role in the design and operation of the works.
Building materials durabilityTrvanlivosť stavebných materiálov (Trv SM)25000387The aim of the course is to provide essential knowledge on the causes and mechanisms of degradation of building materials with special regard to concrete composites. The lectures include topics: factors influencing the degradation of building materials, aggressiveness of the environment, agents affecting concrete structures, chemical corrosion, biological corrosion, mechanisms of penetration of aggressive substances into concrete, protection against corrosion of concrete, corrosion of metals, concrete reinforcement corrosion.
Building Materials LCA25000386The course is aimed at obtaining the basic knowledge in the field of environmental assessment of building materials. The lectures are focused on the assessment of building materials through LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, which is one of the leading environmental assessment tools today and points to main environmental impacts of building materials during their life cycle. During the course, lectures are gradually focused on a more detailed specification of LCA in the following areas: LCA objectives, Legislation, Main phases of LCA, System boundaries and unit, Databases, Input data and their verification, Environmental impact categories / LCA indicators, LCA outputs as well as Significance and benefits of LCA for practice. The last lecture presents and discusses the issue of EPD (Environmental Product Declaration), which is closely linked to the LCA report. Exercises are focused on determining the environmental impacts of a single-family house using LCA calculation software.
Building PathologyPatológia25000395Analyze and diagnose physical, chemical and biological building disorders and theoretically justify the construction of details, elements and systems during their restoration.
Functionally link knowledge from the subject Pathology of buildings with physical subjects. Apply acquired knowledge in building diagnostics. The ability to solve difficult diagnostic problems of historic, heritage-protected buildings. Transform theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge (field research, sampling, in situ and laboratory measurement of selected parameters for diagnosis, interpretation of obtained).
Based on the results of the diagnostics, propose an optimal, technically justified proposal for the restoration of construction structures and buildings.
Building PhysicsStavebná fyzika2504301The aim of thermal protection of buildings is to apply theoretical knowledge to practical examples of building structures and construction details. On the basis of the solution of examples drawn “paterns” of thermal protection design and assessment of structures and design details applied in the development of building and construction practice.
Building planning automatizationAutomatizácia plánovania výstavby (APV)25000122Students learn to plan the construction of automated processes and understand their importance for the efficiency of the construction process. They become acquainted with the possibilities of automation planning for the individual participants in the construction process.
Building reconstructionObnova budov2505981The student have to learn experiences in analysing reasons of building and elements failures, and also experiences in removing this failures.
Students acquires knowledge on the proposal for renovation and reconstruction drawing in the project documentation.
Building services ITechnické zariadenia budov I (TZB1-sk)2507401Students have to obtain cross-sectional knowledge on the issue of building equipment and specialized knowledge for the design profession sanitary technology to different types of buildings. The aim is that after graduation understand the principles of water supply systems, sewage systems and pipelines in buildings and outside, know what their function diagrams, sizing handle basic parts and drawn in the project documentation.
Building services IITechnické zariadenia budov II (TZB2)2507411Students have to obtain cross-sectional evidence on the issue of human thermal comfort in indoor hot water, hot air and radiant heating. The content of the lectures and exercises is to address sources of heat, heat transfer materials distribution, how to spread heat from radiators and the interior surfaces, the use of renewable heat for heating buildings and hot water. The aim is to handle a project of central heating in a small building.
Building Services IIITechnické zariadenia budov III2507431Demonstrate and apply knowledge from the creation of the microclimate of the internal environment of buildings using various ventilation and air conditioning systems. Gain practical knowledge and creative skills in designing ventilation and air conditioning systems. Apply acquired knowledge and innovative technologies in building design in construction practice.
Building simulationsSimulácie budov2506651The student will gain practical experience working in the DesignBUILDER computer program, solving energy flows in buildings. Creating geometric models, defining boundary conditions and analyzing results is based on theoretical knowledge from already completed courses. The use of computer support in solving tasks will make the student’s work more efficient and allow creating more extensive, detailed analyzes with the aim of achieving the best results from the point of view of energy management in the building or from the point of view of the comfort of the space user.
Concrete and concrete bearing structuresBetónové a murované nosné konštrukcie (BaMNK)2507771Design of concrete window lintels, consoles, loggias, and reinforced concrete rings in masonry structures. Solving plates and principles of their reinforcement. Stress analysis and deformation of slabs/plates acting in two directions, design and arrangement of reinforcement. Solution and reinforcement of circular and intercircular plates. Design and assessment of a reinforced concrete wall on supports. Calculation and assessment of frame structures in interaction with the foundation structure. Design and assessment of masonry structures.
Concrete and masonry bearing memberBetónové a murované nosné prvky (BaMNP)25000042Definitions of basic terms and conditions of their use in the design of load-bearing elements and structures. Methods of design of load-bearing structures. Loads on structures and their calculation. Design of load-bearing elements for bending shear, torsion and compression. Principles of drawing documentation of concrete structures. Design of masonry elements for simple stress methods.
Concrete construction realisationRealizácia betónových konštrukcií (RBK)2504911The content of subject is detailed concrete realization analysis of object construction, which is involved process factors in sequence on parameter, requirements specification on concrete construction. The planning of concrete construction realization and principle for design of elements form structure and dimension are the most important. The part of this subject is computer program using for system form design.
Construction mechanicsMechanika konštrukcií (MechKonstr)2507851The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the solution of statically indeterminate structures the force and deformation method of constant load, the effect of temperature and tempering supports. Indicate the calculation of influence and fold lines for statically determinate and indeterminate structures, and computation structures on flexible base substrate.
Construction project managementRiadenie projektov výstavby (RPV_sk)2506711To obtain the basic information about project management, which presents the management philosophy of unique and unrepeatable activities. This theory is especially suitable for building industry, can be apply at complex management of investment building projects, at management of construction projects, construction technological projects, at more particular subprojects, which are necessary at preparation and realization all building activities as well.
Design of Buildings IIKonštrukčný ateliér II2505803The aim of the subject is to deepen the skills for structural creation, the correct design of structures, to apply and perform a synthesis of knowledge from completed subjects while respecting the principles of landscape and urbanism and the interaction of buildings and the environment. To acquire skills for designing at the level of an engineer in the field of civil engineering, in the complex construction design of the assigned building project. Realize drawing and designing in CAD and BIM programs. Process the project documentation of the specified building within the specified scope. Apply new building materials and innovative technologies in building design in construction practice.
Design studio IAteliér I2506373The aim is to support the development of creativity; spatial thinking and vision, development of abilities for structural creation, correct design of structures. Apply and deepen the knowledge from the completed subjects while respecting the principles of landscape and urban planning and the interaction between the building and the environment. To acquire design skills in the complex structural design of a family house project. Use work (drawing and designing) in CAD and BIM programs (AutoCad, Allplan, ArchiCad, Revit, SketchUp…) in the design and project of a family house within the specified scope for continuing work in LS on the subject Studio II.
Design studio IIAteliér II2506383The goal of the subject is to lead the student to independent creative, conceptual thinking and mastering the principles and methods of architectural creation. To support creativity, the development of spatial thinking and vision, the development of the ability for structural creation, the correct design of structures. Apply and deepen the knowledge from the completed subjects while respecting the principles of landscape and urban planning and the interaction between the building and the environment. To acquire design skills in the complex structural design of a family house project. Apply drawing and designing in CAD and BIM programs (AutoCad, Allplan, ArchiCad, Revit, SketchUp…). Process the project of a family house within the specified scope.
Design studio IIIAteliér III2506423To deepen the skills for structural creation, the correct design of structures, to apply and make a synthesis of knowledge from completed subjects while respecting the principles of landscape creation and urbanism and the interaction of the building and the environment. To acquire skills for designing in the complex structural design of the assigned building project. Apply drawing and designing in CAD and BIM programs. Realize the design and project of the assigned building within the specified scope, including the professions TZB and statics for continuing work in LS on the subject Bachelor thesis.
Diploma WorkDiplomová práca25000396The aim of the subject is to deepen the skills for structural creation, the correct design of structures, to integrate the knowledge from the completed subjects while respecting the principles of landscape and urbanism and the interaction of the building and the environment. To acquire skills for designing at the level of an engineer in the field of civil engineering, with a complex original design of the project of the assigned building. Draw and design in CAD and BIM programs. Process the project documentation of the specified building within the specified scope.
Elasticity IPružnosť I (Pruž1)2504031Objective of the Elasticity I is to analyze simple state of stress (Simple tension (compression), Simple shear, Simple torsion, Simple bending), Buckling of centric loaded columns and combined state of stress (Shear under bending, General bending, Bending with tension (compression)).
Elasticity IIPružnosť II (Pruž2)2507991The object of the Elasticity II is to analyze the typical design elements such as walls, plates, beams in Cartesian and Polar coordinate system. Besides the closed solutions there is devoted focus to numerical methods, especially the Finite Element Method. There are analyzed the simple structural elements in the non-linear -plastic zone.
Energetic simulation and modelling25000533Students will gain information about computational simulation of energy flows in building. On the base of energy simulation they will can to analyse impact of building constructions and equipments on energy performance of building. The part of energy performance of buildings is the evaluation of indoor air quality. Students will gain deeper and more detailed picture about interactions between building construction and building equipment. The students can use gained knowledge by designing building projects and elaboration of diploma thesis. Students will learn to use energy simulation software in the area of energy analysis of buildings. You can analyze energy consumption for heating, cooling or mechanical ventilation system. This dynamical energy simulation uses all needed data of external environment like a air temperature, relative humidity of air, solar gains, speed and direction of wind and also other parameters. User of this simulation program creates the 3D model of building at the beginning. In the next steps the user must define all boundary conditions for all building constructions (walls, roof, windows, etc.) and also for internal environment (occupancy, internal heat gains, etc.). Than the user set up the operation conditions for HVAC systems.
Energy Efficiency of buildingsEnergetická hospodárnosť budov25000453The aim of the subject is to acquire the basics of the theory and construction of buildings characterized by purposeful energy saving, the ability to creatively conceptualize and communicate them scientifically. Familiarize yourself with the use of ecologically clean alternative sources of energy. To understand the principles of the development of this theory in the justified system link building – climate – energy. Get an overview of modern software for predicting and calculating the energy consumption of buildings. To acquire the ability to design and quantify buildings in relation to the rational use of energy in the creation of an ecological architectural environment.
Energy Performance of Buildings IEnergetická hospodárnosť budov I25000236The aim of the course is to learn the basics of theory and design of energy-efficient buildings. Familiarize yourself with the use of alternative energy sources. To understand the principles of the development of this theory in the justified system link building – climate – energy. To acquire the ability to design and quantify buildings in relation to the rational use of energy in the creation of an ecological architectural environment. Get an overview of the software for predicting and calculating the energy consumption of buildings.
Energy Performance of Buildings IIEnergetická hospodárnosť budov II25000257Students will gain information about energy performance of building with orientation on building facilities. Energy certification of buildings is based on valid laws and technical standards of European Union which were implemented in Slovak Republic. The subject contains monthly analysis of energy demand for heating and domestic hot water system with their all sub-systems. The part of this subject is determination of primary energy and CO2 emission too.  The students will gain the picture about energy connections between building constructions and building facilities and between building facilities together. The students can use gained knowledges by designing building projects
Environmental engineering IEnvironmentálne inžinierstvo (EI )2506531The aim of the course is to provide the fundamental knowledge on pollution of the components of natural environment (air, water and land) and consequent significant global environmental problems and to present technologies to pollution control and reduction. The lectures include topics: air pollution, air pollution control and prevention, water quality, waste water management, land and soil protection, radiation protection, waste management, environmental impact of building materials and constructions.
Environmental chemistryEnviromentálna chémia (ECH)2503831The objective of this course is to provide a basic knowledge in order to understand the chemical principles of anthropogenic processes in the environment and global and regional environmental problems. The lectures include topics: hydrogen and oxygen compounds, nitrogen compounds and their role in air pollution, sulphur compounds and their role in air and water pollution, carbon compounds and global warming, halogens and ozone depletion, risk heavy metals, radioactivity, carbohydrates and derivatesand their negative role in the environment. The exercises are focused to the application of presented information in form of calculations and simply laboratory demonstrations of pollutants determination.
Environmental impact assessmentVplyv stavieb na ŽP (VSnaŽP)2504891Aim of the course is to explain to students Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, which is considered as one of the main apparatus in the international ecological politics for the implementation of sustainable development. It represents effective preventive method of Environment preservation, which comes out from a prognosis and an assessment of the expected impacts of planned intents, projects and developed conceptions on Environment.Brief synopsis of the course: The purpose of the course is the same as purpose of Environmental Impact Assessment – complete, expert and public assessment of planned constructions, facilities and activities before the decision on their permission under special provisions from the point of view of their presumed impact on the environment.
Environmental managementEnvironmentálne manažérstvo v stavebníctve (EnvMan)25000071The aim of the course is to provide an overview of analytical and management methods and procedures that are used in practice to assess the environmental impacts of constructions and quality of construction products in order to minimize negative impacts on the environment. The lectures include topics: Principles of environmental management; tools of environmental management in civil engineering; environmental management systems EMAS, ISO 14001; quality management systems; methods for environmental evaluation of building materials; EIA; LCA analysis; eco labeling process; environmentally friendly building materials; environmental design; environmental risks.
EnvironmentalisticsEnvironmentalistika2505313The subject is centred on the conservation and improvement of the natural environment. The aim of this subject is to obtain basic knowledge about particular components (Biosphere, Atmosphere, Water, and Soil) of environment and their protection in the sense of sustainable development and state environmental policy. Next the subject contains part focused on basic principle of sustainable building design, indoor environment, environmental management, environmental risks and environmental law.
Façade ArchitectureFasádne systémy budov2505791The aim of the subject is to gain knowledge about the development, functional requirements, material and construction solutions of building envelopes and their characteristic details. To understand the relationship between external envelopes and opening structures, and in the structural creation of external envelopes and opening fillings, based on the latest knowledge of theoretical-experimental analysis with regard to energy saving and the quality of the internal environment. The students can fully use the acquired knowledge in the framework of studio creations and in the final work of the engineering studies. Acquire and apply knowledge in the field of aerodynamics – the effect of wind resulting in physical problems (air infiltration) and in the statics of load-bearing structures, hydrodynamics and facade technology of buildings in the design of construction structures and buildings.
Fire safety of buildingsPožiarna bezpečnosť stavieb (PBS – Lop)2501611General Requirements and Binding Standards Applicable to Assessment of Fire Safety of Buildings in terms of layout and design. Design principles and requirements for the division of buildings into fire compartments, ensuring the fire resistance of structures, solving and assessing escape routes, spacing distances, access roads and access areas and facilities for effective firefighting intervention. Design and assessment of firefighting equipment.
Fire safety of buildingsPožiarna bezpečnosť budov25000455To understand modern approaches in the field of research on fire safety of buildings, the principle of combustion of substances, the emergence of toxicity of combustion products. Demonstrate an ability to master the terminology and scope of fire engineering.
Foundation IZakladanie stavieb I (Zakl.St.I)25000444The goal is to teach students to solve problems of foundations. The subject also covers the issue of foundation soil´s stability and strain, issues of choice and statical solution of foundation structure according to Eurocode 7 and selection of most suitable technological procedures when executing foundation of building structures.
Graphics, visualisation and BIMGrafika, vizualizácia a BIM25000083The aim of the subject is to teach students compentency in using basic tools, methods and techniques of 3d CAD programs within the field of BIM – building information modelling. The subject is a continuation of „Computer-aided architectural design and BIM “, which is similar in content. It differs in the range of the scope of the 3D model of the building object and the requirements for completion the subject.
Hydrology and meteorologyHydrológia a Meteorológia (HaM)2506483Prevision of basic knowledge from structure of atmosphere, weather development mechanisms, long term development of earth climate and natural cycle of water required to study of civil and environmental engineering. Brief contents of the subject: components and structure of the atmosphere, air pressure and humidity, radiation in the atmosphere, temperature of the solid earth surface, water and air, condensation of water vapour, air stream, basic pressure objects, impacts of weather, sorting of earth‘s climates, Europe’s climate, natural hydrological cycle.
HydromechanicsHydromechanika (Hydromech-sk)2505431Prevision of basic theoretical knowledge from the laws of hydromechanics thus motion and equilibrium of liquids. Student obtains required knowledge from the application of this laws in field of the civil and environmental engineering practice. Brief contents of the subject: basic properties of liquids, liquid pressure and its impact, basic equation of hydrostatic, motion of liquids in laminar and turbulent flow, equation of continuity, Bernoulli equation of motion, energy and pressure losses in piping and pipe fittings, motion of liquids in beds, pipe systems and hydraulic systems, power impact of liquid flows.
Charges and costsNáklady a ceny (NaC – sk)2505951The aim of this subject, together whit subject ; building economy, is to give information about building prices and costs issue. To emphasize a relevance of prices in building industry, mainly from building market point of view. To mention a relevance of cost as a basic part of price, to emphasize their function and role at disposal production factors evidence, finding out of production efficiency, production factors control efficiency, compared competitive. The possibilities and exploiting of various cost models at the optimalization and decreasing of building processes cost. To explain the creation of building works offering prices and to emphasize the creation of market prices in building business.
Chemical technology basics25000109The course is aimed at the basic knowledge of manufacturing the building materials based on chemical technologies and their impacts to the environment. The lectures include topics: cement and lime production technologies and related environmental loads, iron and steel production and the environmental impacts, polymers production processes and the impacts of polymers to the human health and environment, ceramics production technologies, glass production technologies, fossil fuels production and related environmental impacts.
ChemistryChémia (CH-SvF)2503991The objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive view on a structure and reactivity of matter and the principles of chemical reactions in relation to the building materials and their protection against the degradative influences of the environment. The lecture sinclude topics: structure of matter, phase transitions of matter, chemistry of water, chemistry of inorganic binders and concrete, chemistry of metals, corrosive processes of metals, chemistry of organic building materials and fuels, chemistry of polymer matter.
Landscape and urban planningTvorba krajiny a urbanizmus (TKaUrb)2505741The mission of the subject is to introduce the basics of landscape and urban planning in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and to understand the ecological processes and interactions within landscape and urban or rural environment. The student will gain an overview about approaches to landscape planning and its urbanization. The first part of this course is focused on the theory of landscape as a subject of landscape and urban planning. It describes the landscape structure and basic units of a landscape; landscape features, mainly the ecological networks as a concept of ecological stability in practise. In next part the student will get acquainted with the regulations for preparing of landscape and urban plans, and also with the application of elements used in landscape and urban planning. The result of this course is to increase the students’ comprehensive preparation in landscape and spatial planning and permitting process for construction works in landscape.
Landscape protection and revitalisation25000052The aim and content of the subject is centred on the conservation and maintenance of natural and cultural environment, especially representative biotopes, species populations and biodiversity in accordance with the principles of sustainability. Because landscape is the vehicle of human relation with nature and human footprint on the planet is considerable, focus is also on its restoration that means returning some degraded portion of landscape to an improved and more natural preexisting condition. The topics of lectures include: protected areas and their categories, policy regarding protected areas, main threats of landscape and protected areas and their management by treatments for cultural landscapes like remediation, rehabilitation, restoration or revitalisation.
Management and marketing of the building industryManažment a marketing v stavebníctve (MMvS)25000112Subject Management and marketing in the construction industry is focused on the acquisition and mastery of basic knowledge of management and marketing – role and tasks of the manager in the construction business, motivation, selection and evaluation of staff, teamwork, communication, leadership staff, creativity, change management, organizational structures and culture of the organization. In addition, students should master the elements of marketing and communications mix with the possibility of their use in construction companies and marketing activity that is seen as part of the strategy, tactics and operational companies in ensuring the competitiveness and prosperity of businesses in the construction industry.
Mathematics IMatematika I (MI-SvF)2500041The main goal of this object is to learn of the students to work with basic mathematical conceptions, especially as derivative of the function of one real variable and its application for solutions of the geometrical, physical and technical problems.
Mathematics IIMatematika II (MII-SvF)2500101The main goal of this object is to give some theoretical knowledge needed for the study and application of the special technical problems, mainly using of the integration’s methods and differencial equations.
Metal bridges IKovové mosty I (KM1)2506071Target of this subject is to acquaint students with principle of design of metal bridges according to technical standards and principles. It includes general lecture about divisions of metal bridges; problems of loading and spatial modification of road and railway bridges; solutions of decks of road and railway bridges; design of girder bridges – including bridges with thin-walled cross-sections and composite steel-concrete bridges with design of composite elements. Practical part of the subject is focused on the specific solution of railway girder bridge and road composite bridge.
Metal bridges IIKovové mosty II (KM2)2506771Target of this subject is to acquaint students with principle of design of metal bridges according to technical standards and principles. It includes design of truss, box girder, arch, cable-stay and suspension bridges. The problems of stability of compressed elements of openly arranged bridges, arch ridges, etc. are discussed. Practical part of the subject is focused on the specific solution of railway truss bridge
Metal structures and bridgesKovové konštrukcie a mosty (KKaM)2506511Target of this course is to acquaint students with principle of design of metal and timber structures according to relevant technical standards and principles. In practical part of the subject, students will design simple steel and timber civil structures and bridges with focus on structural design and detailing. In practical part of the subject, students will design of simple structures and hall objects: roof structures – roof cladding, beams, lattice-girders and bracing. Lateral bond of hall object and design of column base. Space stiffness of hall objects. Outside and inside walls. Loading and space layout of railway and highway bridges. Bearing systems of bridges.
Methodology of a Scientific experimentMetodológia vedeckého experimentu25000456The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the preparation, implementation and evaluation of scientific experiments. After graduation, demonstrate the ability to conceive, implement and edit one’s own research and expand the boundaries of scientific knowledge.
Modeling and simulationsModelovanie a simulácie25000370The goal is to make tools available for effective use of the simulation of physical processes in the field of building simulations and simulations of particular problems of building constructions as a progressive method of scientific research. To focus on the basics of modeling and simulation of systems as part of design systems to support dissertations and also to gain basic knowledge about the working principles of simulation systems taking into account their problem orientation. Deepen the basic concepts, the principle of studying systems through simulation (experimental) methods. To demonstrate the ability to choose a suitable simulation tool necessary for the processing of the dissertation.
Numerical mathematics and mathematical statisticsNumerická matematika a matematická štatistika (NMaMS)2500431The aim of the subject is to render mathematical knowledge necessary for understanding theoretical bases of civil engineering applications, with an emphasis to statistical and numerical methods and their computer implementations in MATLAB.
Pedology and erosion control practices2502111The aim of this course is to obtain knowledge about soil, its properties and their deterioration and degradation caused by the intervention of man. The emphasis is placed on the main environmental issues associated with soil contamination and water erosion as a widespread problem connected to soil degradation. The course gives a survey of the erosion control measures for preventing or controlling of accelerated erosion. The first part of this course deals with soil and its composition; functions of soil in the global ecosystem; soil formation; physical, chemical and engineering properties of soils and soil water. In that connection the second part is focused on an adverse effect of soil erosion on environment, classification of erosion, water erosion intensity, methods of water erosion assessment, technological options for erosion and sediment management, erosion preventive techniques and control measures.
Power engineering25000107The subject gives the basic knowledge about processes of production, transport, distribution and conversion of different energy forms, which are necessary for provision of building’s operation; energy supply at present and in the future; conventional and unconventional heating systems; heat pumping technologies; heat energy management; power supply and management; energetic use of biomass; technologies for solar energy; wind and water energy use for power production; geothermal energy and its use for heat supply of buildings; and finally energy storage.
Preparation and realization of constructionPríprava a realizácia stavieb (PaRSt-sk)2506441Information obtaining from preparation and realization construction field from point of all building partners, documentation processing of building preparation, tenders, building schedule analyses, schedule, building site plan, control and test building plan, winter arrangement project. In the part of building realization, to obtain the information about building sources management, progress of work monitoring and documentation updating for building realization.
Quality in construction industryKvalita v stavebníctve (KvalStav)2504831The aim of this subject studying is to obtain the knowledge about generally and theoretical basis of integrated management in companies. The goal of this subject is to teach the students to analyse a management quality issue as a significant element of building quality and company success, to support their synthetic thinking and the ability of new knowledge creative application into another subjects and real problem solving.
Railway structures IŽelezničné stavby I (ZelStav1)2506091The objective of the subject is to introduce of students with problems of railway track geometry components and alignment, clearances and to practice acquires knowledge and skills. Relation between vehicle and track, dynamics of driving, driving the vehicle in a straight and arc, trackside and rolling resistance, the loading diagrams. Tracing railways, type of route, and their use, ways developing routes, geological survey. Geometrical position and arrangement of rails, track gauge and extension of track gauge. The cant of rail. Horizontal alignment of railway track, spiral curve, circular curves with spiral. The vertical alignment of the railway track, decisive rising and lost slope, quarries vertical alignment and curvature, route constant resistance. The spatial editing of routes. Transition area, bridges and tunnels. Proposal subgrade, types of structures, calculation of stress and assessment of the load capacity and adverse effects of frost.
Renewable energy sourcesObnoviteľné zdroje energií25000586Acquire basic knowledge about the new possibilities of creating conditions for sustainable supply of buildings with heat from renewable energy sources, components and systems using solar and geothermal energy, heat and biomass
Roads and motorwaysCesty a diaľnice (CaD)2505641The course is focused on problems of design of roads and highways, the construction of road earthbody and layers of pavement. It clarifies the principles of design and construction of roads and highways. Theory of movement of motor vehicles after road communication. The size and length of longitudinal profile – design of lane for heavy vehicles. Drainage – a design of culver.  Road equipment – safety equipment on roads. Design of intersections. Capacity and level of service of intersections. Classification and structure of pavements. Material for road pavements.
Selected chapters of metal and timber structures IVybrané kapitoly z KK I a DK (VKzKK1aDK)2506871To offer the special theoretical and practical set-out oriented on selected current strength-stability problems of reliability and economical design of metal and timber structures, in accordance with new theoretical knowledge, practical experiences and relevant technical standard. – design methods for special steel structures subjected to wind loading, aerodynamics and aeroelasticity of steel bridges, towers, buildings and cable roofs, – fatigue analysis of steel structures and analysis of various types of structural steel joints, – wood and wood-based material properties, fire resistance of timber structures, analysis, design, and resistance of timber structures, particularly composed of glued laminated timber, cross-laminated timber, and timber-concrete composite members.
Soil mechanicsMechanika zemín (MechZem)25000443The goal is to teach students the basic properties of soils, methods of detection and classification of soils. Apply strength and deformation characteristics of soils for solution of geotechnical task for stress in soils, earth pressure, compressibility and consolidation as well as compacting and its control.
Soil Mechanics and FoundationMechanika zemín a zakladanie stavieb (MZaZS-sk)2503811The goal of the subject is to acquaint students with the theoretical and practical thesis of basic geotechnics. At the end of study students will be able to use the relevant standards and regulations, assess the geological environment and its properties, describe and classify the soil and to calculate the stresses and strain in the ground.
Solar architecture and technologySolárna architektúra a energia25000305To gain knowledge in the field of theory and application of elements and systems of solar architecture in contemporary architecture and to analyze the possibilities of using active and passive elements and systems of solar architecture (thermosiphon, Barra system, solar chimney, Trombe wall, etc.) when designing buildings in different geographic conditions.
Special issues of physical chemistry25000155The aim of the course is to understand the principles of thermodynamic processes and chemical equilibrium. The lectures include topics: thermodynamic processes; thermodynamic laws; thermal capacity; thermal equilibrium; thermodynamics of phase systems; phase equilibrium in one-component systems; phase equilibrium in two-component systems; chemical potentials and chemical equilibrium; equilibrium in homogeneous and heterogenic systems.
Special transportation structuresŠpeciálne dopravné stavby (Špec.DS)2505871The scope is to get acquainted with the design of airports, railways in the city (trams, cogwheels, funicular railways, subways), narrow gauge and wide gauge railways. Requirements for unconventional transport systems – the application of maglevs. Airport runways, their physical parameters. Runways, aprons, airport capacity. Assessment of bearing capacity of paved and unpaved aerodrome areas. Areas around the airport. Heliports and helidecks. Trams traffic. Characteristics of tram transport. Geometric arrangement of tram tracks. Horizontal and vertical alignment of the tram line. Spatial modification of tram lines. Subway characteristics. Geometric layout of the subway track. Track gauge.  Cross section. Track superstructure and subway bottom. Unconventional transport systems.
Static analysis of constructionsStatika konštrukcií (Stat.k.)2507761The goal of subject Static of structures is inform students with solving of statically determinate planar structures (simple, continuous beams with hinge, frames, three-hinged frames, arches and  orthogonally loaded frames), calculation of displacements at statically determinate structures and methods for solving of statically determinate structures: force method, force method, slope deflection method and displacement method.
Steel and timber bearing membersOceľové a drevené nosné prvky (ODNP)2505511This course is focused on design of steel and timber bearing members according to relevant technical standards. It will be pointed to elastic and plastic stress response, local and global buckling of steel members under compression and bending and design and detailing of connections. As well as basic principles in design of timber bearing members will be given.
Steel and timber structuresOceľové a drevené nosné sústavy (OaDNS)2507801Target of this course is to acquaint students with principle of design of metal and timber structures according to relevant technical standards and principles. In practical part of the subject, students will design simple steel and timber civil structures with focus on structural design and detailing.
Steel bearing membersOceľové nosné prvky (OcelNosPrv)2507491This course is focused on design of steel bearing members according to relevant technical standards. It will be pointed to elastic and plastic stress response, local and global buckling of steel members under compression and bending and design and detailing of connections.
Sustainability assessment of buildingsPosudzovanie udržateľnosti budov (PUBud)25000470Well known sustainability assessment methods and systems used over the world are introduced. Main fields such as location, sustainable sites, transport, management, building materials, life cycle assessment, indoor environmental quality, energy performance, water and waste management are presented in terms of LEED and BREEAM requirements. Finally, the building certification process and granting of a certificate according to LEED, BREEAM and other systems are included in the lectures. Assessment of student’s own design of a building according to the selected indicators represents a practical benefit.
Sustainable constructionUdržateľná výstavba (UV-kz)25000506The main goal of the subject is to gain the knowledge about fundamental aspects of the sustainable construction. New construction and renovation of the buildings as well as revitalization of the built-up areas according to the principles of sustainable construction are the main topic. Lectures are focused on the main principles and concept of sustainable construction; features, aesthetics and revitalization of the built-up area, selection of environmentally friendly building materials, passive and active use of energy, aspects of reducing the consumption of operational energy and water; indoor environmental aspects and waste management. Design of single-family house respecting sustainable principles is the main benefit with practical output.
Technical Environment of BuildingsTechnika prostredia budov25000306Demonstrate a systematic theoretical understanding of the areas of technical equipment systems with an emphasis on their adoption and effective use in the creation of the building environment for the sake of energy efficient and environmentally suitable construction and operation of buildings. To demonstrate the ability of research oriented towards intelligent and sustainable systems of building technology.
Technologies of construction processes ITechnológie stavebných procesov I (TSP1-sk)2506471The aim of this subject is to inform students about building machines and plants issue. Technology of ground works as a selected chapter of building processes technology. Introduction into problems connected with choice and using of building machines and equipments in building.
Technologies  for reconstructionTechnológie pre rekonštrukcie (TpRek-sk)2505961The aim is to inform the students with technologies, which are used in the building reconstruction. The students are progressively informed with particular groups of technologies for buildings reconstructions, their realization processes, including demands on applied materials, workers and machines and equipments facilities.
Theoretical mechanicsTeoretická mechanika (TeorMech)2500181Objectives of the Theoretical Mechanics is to analyze concurrent system of forces, General system of forces, Statics of rigid particles and bodies, Trusses, Internal loadings developed in structural members (beams, frames, arches), Reactions of composed structures and transverse loading frames.
Theory of building construction designTeória konštrukčnej tvorby25000301To master the methods of theoretical analysis and structural creation of buildings with demanding modeled conditions of new concepts of its architectural, structural and functional research solution in relation to the internal environment of buildings. To acquire, demonstrate and communicate in-depth theoretical knowledge, which is related to the topic of the dissertation and the partial role of the concurrently solved research project.
Timber structures and bridgesDrevené konštrukcie a mosty (DKaM-sk)25000120The target of this subject is to acquaint the students with the principle of design of timber structures according to valid technical standards and regulations. Students are familiar with design an extensive range of timber load-bearing structures: the planar trusses, frames, and arches, timber roof structures, spatial structures, construction systems of timber multi-storey buildings, and timber bridges and footbridges. Principles and methods for protecting wood and timber structures are introduced. Within the practical, students design several types of timber structures as timber truss of industrial building roof, sports hall structure, and a timber footbridge. The emphasis is on the principles of economic and reliable design of timber structures in accordance with current theoretical knowledge and technical standards.
Transport engineering planningDopravný urbanizmus (DUrb)25000048The goal is to manage the design process in the area of transport – principles of transport-planning process, defined by the functions of roads in the area, design of road network, the relationship of roads and local roads and their impact on the environment. Transport in land-use planning. Solution of transport in land-use planning documentation. Traffic engineering documentation. Roads and their function in the territory. Roads network. Principles of design of roads in the area. Traffic forecast. Methods of transport modeling. Capacity of transport facilities. Design of parking facilities. Communications for pedestrians and cyclists. Relationship of roads and the environment. Traffic noise.
Transport structuresDopravné stavby (Dopr_St_sk)25000050The course is focused on the issue of explaining the design and construction of transport structures. The aim is to become familiar with the principles of design of roads and highways and to get basic knowledge about geometry problems of transport structures. Roads and their elements, terminology. Width arrangement of roads. Tracing. Design elements of roads. Length of sight. Design speed. Horizontal alignment – straight, curves. Elements of itineraries in longitudinal section – vertical alignment of the road, vertical curves. Path element in cross-section. Earth body – earthworks for the construction of natural body, compacting embankments, slope cutting natural body, drainage facilities. Objects – culvers, walls, bridges and tunnels. Documentation of construction of roads and highways. Technical studies.
Typology ITypológia I (Typ.1)2504071To get acquainted with functional-operational relations and connections within the apartment and to acquire typological principles for designing buildings housing. Further acquire basic skills in the application of typological principles in order to prepare for independent design in architectural design I.
Typology IITypológiaII2504291The aim of the subject is to acquire knowledge and skills, to use typological tools for architectural creation. Familiarize yourself with the location of buildings, functional units and their continuity and functional-operational relationships. To prepare the student for independent creation and conception in the design of buildings for temporary accommodation, buildings for catering, buildings for administration, culture, religion and parking. Furthermore, to acquire basic skills in the application of typological principles in order to prepare for independent planning in architectural design II.
Water structuresVodné stavby (VodSt-sk)2506501The aim of the subject is to present the kinds of water structures, their purposes in technical and environmental practise as well as principles of their design and operations. Also to point out significance of water structures and their place in economic society and in water management of the country.Brief synopsis of the course:Water stream regulations. Weirs. Water reservoirs and dams. Hydroelectric plant. Waterways and navigation. Hydromelioration structures – drainage and irrigation systems. Water supply and sewage systems. The emphasis is put on practical knowledge of water engineering with close relation to other disciplines of civil engineering.
Water supply and sewerage2503901Aim of the course is to obtain knowledge about design of construction oriented to water supply and sewage systems.Brief synopsis of the course:Water sources. Demand and consumption of water. Design of water supply. Water supply systems. Components of water supply systems. Principles of construction water supply networks. Water towers. Basic principles of water treatment. Pipe line systems. Sewage. Wastewater collection. Design of gravity systems.
Working environment25000429Subject provides an overview of hygienic requirements for working environment and protection against harmful factors of the working environment in line with the latest legislation. Lectures are focused on the basic concepts in the work environment; hygiene requirements for the working environment; physical, chemical and biological factors as well as other hazardous factors by which the employers are exposed, safety and protection of the employees, occupational accidents and traffic accidents.